Previously the salon was named Black Sheep Hair Toronto. We’ve changed:

Ryan has always been a bit different and the odd one out. That is what has made him successful at what he does, being different.

Being different also means being aware of the space you take up in the world. And being “different”, or the term of “being different” should never cause any pain with any person or community in the world. Turns out the term “Black Sheep” is one of those words. It can hurt people. So, let’s not do that. And let’s move forward together.

The salon has always been an inclusive space. Everyone has always been welcome. We wanted to make it more inclusive, and more socially aware of the space we take up in our community and the hair world.

  • BSH stands for Beauty. Sustainability. & Hair.

    In a world populated with over 8 billion people and growing, no two are completely identical inside and out.

    So why are we trying to fit into conventional ideals of beauty?

    Beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, races, religions, ages, genders. Here at BSH we embrace all different types of beauty. This is a space where beauty is always changing and growing. It’s accepting. It’s not about trends. Beauty is about slowing down and enjoying the moment no matter how perfect or imperfect it may be.

    Sustainability is meeting our own needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In addition to natural resources, we also need social and economic resources.

    As a hair salon, it’s not just about environmentalism and using green products. Sustainability is also the ability to change and evolve with the times and grow as needed. To exhibit our strengths and have the humility to work on our weaknesses.

    If you want to find out about Sustainability and our Green Circle Salon initiatives, you can read more here.

    HAIR is what we do. Hair is a part of who we are. Our promise to you is to simply give you the best hair, for you, not for us. It’s about making you feel beautiful inside out. Hair doesn’t have to be complicated. Learning to have healthy hair is really quite easy! So, let us show you how.

    Team BSH